Reform of pollution charges in the Russian FederationThis report focuses on reforming pollution charges, which are the main and most comprehensive type of economic instrument used for environmental protection in Russia since 1992. ![]() Документы по темеPublic involvement in EIA procedure for Nord-Stream projectBrief report about EIA procedure for Nord-Stream project EECCA Environmental Strategy. Second WindKeynote address at the plenary session of the Sixth Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe” Eighth Annual Meeting of the EECCA Regulatory Environmental Programme Implementation Network (REPIN)12-13 June 2006 (Tbilisi, Georgia) Outcomes of networking in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia since 2003Networks: Mechanisms for Capacity Development and Policy Integration The use of economic instruments for pollution control and natural resource managementFourteenth EAP Task Force Meeting Reform of pollution charges in the Russian FederationAssessment of progress and oppotunities and constraints for further impruvement. 11 March, 2004. Recommendations on Performance Measurement for Environmental Enforcement Authorities of EECCAFirst Draft, 1 June 2006 Progress in modernising environmental regulation and complaince assurance in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia15-16 March,2007, Brussels Issues paper for the international multi-stakeholder workshop "Environmental policies in EECCA""Environmental policies, instruments and institutions in EECCA", The Emerging Agenda, 13-14 March, 2007, Brussels. Regulatory environmental programme implementation network (REPIN)Fifth Annual Meeting of the NIS Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network.16-18 October, 2003, Kiev, Ukraine |
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