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The Russian Government is taking steps to restrict combustion of associated petroleum gas.“Ministry of Natural Resources has decided to strengthen penalties for combustion of associated petroleum gas”, said the Minister Yuri Trutnev to the RBC Daily press-correspondent. This was the first interview of the Minister to mass-media in 2007. About 55-60 billion cubic metres of associated petroleum gas (APG) are extracted in Russia annually. Only 26% of the total APG volume is processed, while 30% is combusted. The rest might be considered as technological losses. In other words, about 15 billion cubic metres of gas are combusted annually, which is comparable to a large gas field. Annual budget losses from APG combustion account for approximately 13.5 billion USD. Nevertheless, according to Minister Trutnev, the Government has two options to promote oil companies to use this resource fully. The first option is to make relevant amendments to the existing legislation, thus making obligations to process APG an inseparable part of any license agreement. Practically, it means a total ban of the APG combustion. The second option is to strengthen economic sanctions for the APG combustion in considerable amounts. Today the penalties don’t exceed 0.02 rub per 1 cubic metre, while they can be advanced, for example, 20 times for an excessive emission. The Russian Government should find a compromise option rather soon, as the combusted APG turns into tax and energy losses and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Projects aimed at the APG procession, which will be implemented by the entrepreneurs, might obtain additional financing from both foreign and national investors interested in additional carbon credits. Under information of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (www.mnr.gov.ru). Julia Dobrolyubova Документы по темеLegal framework for JI projects approval and implementation in Russia has been set
30/01/2008 The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia (MEDT) has accomplished elaboration of legal framework for JI projects approval and implementation in Russia. 29 January 2008 all necessary orders of MEDT were finally registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
The winners of the all-Russian contest for journalists “Climate Change – a Hot Topic” have been announced today.![]() Presentation of the 2007/2008 UNDP Global Human Development Report in Russia![]() The Nobel Peace Prize 2007 goes to the former USA Vice-President Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
12/10/2007 The Nobel Peace Prize 2007 goes to the former USA Vice-President Albert (Al) Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for ”their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”.
4th session of the AWG on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under Kyoto Protocol is taking place in Vienna on 27-31 August
27/08/2007 The fourth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG 4) and the fourth workshop under the Dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Convention (the Convention Dialogue) start their work in Vienna on 27 August 2007.
Joint EU-Russia workshop “Adaptation to Climate Change” is going to be held in Nizhny Novgorod on 20 September 2007.
24/08/2007 Joint EU-Russia workshop “Adaptation to Climate Change” within the framework of the Climate Change Subgroup of the EU-Russia Dialogue on the Environment is going to be held in Nizhny Novgorod on 20 September 2007.
Funding Environmental Compliance AssuranceLessons Learned from International Experience Eighth Annual Meeting of the EECCA Regulatory Environmental Programme Implementation Network (REPIN)12-13 June 2006 (Tbilisi, Georgia) Outcomes of networking in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia since 2003Networks: Mechanisms for Capacity Development and Policy Integration The use of economic instruments for pollution control and natural resource managementFourteenth EAP Task Force Meeting |
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