"RREC has relevant potential for providing support to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia within the framework of Environment for Europe Process and implementing the functions of the Secretariat according to set framework"

V. Stepankov, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of Russia in 2004-2006

Integrated Climate Change Strategies for Sustainable Development of Russia’s Arctic Regions (Case Study for Murmansk oblast)

In 2008, UNDP and RREC initiated a pilot project for development of low-carbon and climate-resilient territories in the Russian Arctic, supported by the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet).

The analytical study on climate change strategies in the Arctic regions of Russia was published by UNDP and RREC in 2009 and was presented on the 16th October, 2010 in Murmansk, at the First Murmansk International Economic Forum.

The study examines the impact of global climate change on the socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic, and proposes integrated regional climate strategies that include mitigation of climate change effects, adaptation, and development of research and technology, as well as design of financial and institutional mechanisms to ensure implementation.

The analytical study was prepared by leading Russian experts in the field of climate change, Vladimir Berdin, Dinara Gershinkova, Julia Dobrolyubova, Vladimir Masloboyev.

Summary of the Analytical Study ‘Integrated Climate Change Strategies for Sustainable Development of Russia’s Arctic Regions (Case Study for Murmansk oblast) (PDF)

Brief summary for decision-makers in public administration, regional development, and financial and economic planning (PDF) (Bilingual)

cover_summary_eng.pdf (1.99 MB)
Murmansk_short_summary+cover_small.pdf (1.64 MB)
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Murmansk_short_summary+cover_small.pdf1.64 MB