"RREC provided tangible input towards organization and technical support of the Dialogue on Environment between EU and Russia and successfully implemented coordination of negotiation process"

Ulrich Weins. Head of the Department on Science and Environment, European Comission Delegation to Russia

Guiding principles of effective environmental permitting systems

This document summarises the main policy conclusions and recommendations from a five-year process of intergovernmental dialogue and institutional development on environmental permitting. It complements the technical guidance presented in the "Integrated Environmental Permitting Guidelines for EECCA Countries" (www.oecd.org/dataoecd/54/31/35056678.pdf). The Guiding Principles were endorsed by the members of the EECCA Regulatory Environmental Programme Implementation Network (REPIN) at their annual meeting in June 2006.

guiding_principles_on_permitting.pdf (184.23 KB)