"RREC has relevant potential for providing support to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia within the framework of Environment for Europe Process and implementing the functions of the Secretariat according to set framework" V. Stepankov, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of Russia in 2004-2006
Experience of public participation: Nord Stream Project, 2009
Learn subject of climate change. Guideline for teachers, 2009
Role playing game on climate change for schoolers, 2009
Melting beauty. Climate change and its impacts, 2009
Guideline on implementation of energy efficiency business projects in Russia via Kyoto protocol mechanims, 2008
10 popular misconception on global warming and Kyoto protocol, 2008
Environmental journalism is going up-hill. Media-training on climate change in mountain regions, 2007
Climate, air quality and health of Muscovites, Edited by Prof. Revitch, 2006
New threats: climate change and increase of infectional diseases in Russia, 2007
Future, which is created jointly, 2004
Energy of joint actions, 2005
Kyoto protocol: Gas or Coal, 2002
Caspian sea: sea of problems and solutions, 2007
Reports on Grant programs
Электронные авиабилеты во все города. . . . . Фотографии свадебных фотографов . .