While considering alternative options of energy supply in Russia, it appears that energy efficiency potential till 2020 is 2-4 times higher than capacity of raising production of all energy resources. Implementation of energy efficiency potential would be feasible within a well functioning market of “energy efficient technologies”.
South of Russia is one of the most fast developing regions. Favorable conditions of climate, availability of natural resources and developed infrastructure make this region especially attractive for russian and foreign investors. The strong boost for long-term development of the region was given with the decision of holding the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.
More then 3000 investments projects will be implemented within the framework of the federal program for preparation of the Olympic Games in Sochi. And more than 3 mlrd. of USD will be put for modernization and development of energy infrastructure.
Upon the opinion of russian experts, the deterioration of energy infrastructure is about 70% and require urgent modernization. The issues of energy efficiency become especially meaningful for effective social and economic development of the region. Being one of the major driving forces for creation of marketplace for energy efficient technologies, business may play one of the key role on realization of energy efficiency potential.
Currently there are possibilities to implement sound business solutions which incorporate double benefits from introducing energy efficient technologies at enterprises, i.e. increased competitiveness as a result of efficient energy use and additional finance available through carbon credits for modernizing industry.
As a result of the workshop participants will be able to exchange experience on energy efficient solutions and get information on financial solutions for implementation of energy efficient projects, inter alia via federal and regional targeted programs, performance-contracting, third-party financing and carbon market.
Objectives of the workshop:
- capacity building for market creation of energy efficient technologies in Russia;
- information exchange on successful implementation of energy efficient technologies and best practices of “double-benefit” business projects;
- raising awareness of business sector on financing mechanisms for energy efficiency projects; and
- raising awareness among investors on investing opportunities into energy efficient and climate projects;
- networking among investors, project-developers, financing organizations, entrepreneurs and other businesses for better knowledge exchange on successful energy efficient business applications.
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