The RREC has paid central attention from the very beginning of its existence to the climate change issue.
Even before the Kyoto Protocol had become effective, the RREC acted as a negotiation ground for promotion of the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by Russia and during several years carried out various projects aimed at achieving this goal: from
Currently, with the progress of the negotiation process conducted within the framework of the UN FCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, and especially negotiations on the post-Kyoto development, as well as with the progress with elaboration of Kyoto Protocol mechanisms in Russia, the priorities of the RREC are being changed.
Nowadays the main objectives of the Centre include:
- Promotion of the Russia-EU dialogue on climate change;
- Assistance to the Russian ministries and agencies to help them to comply with the obligations under the UN FCCC and the Kyoto Protocol;
- Informing of the Russian society about climate change issues and measures for addressing them;
- Development and implementation of the climate change adaptation projects in Russian regions.
- Provision of expert and consulting services.