Europe's Environment: An Assessment of Assessments (EE-AoA) takes stock of the existing European environmental assessment landscape, particularly in the fields of water and related ecosystems and the green economy, and asks whether these are appropriate to support the policy process given the complex interconnected nature of the environmental challenges faced today.
In preparing the report EEA shared its experience with the Regional Environmental Centres of Moldova, Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Transfer of AoA knowledge using learning-by-doing methods enriched the capacity of the regional environmental centres (REC) to develop further assessments, the AoA methodology and to use the knowledge on a regular basis in their regions and countries.
The EE-AoA for Rusian Federation is part of the Assessment of Assessments (AoA) exercise that is aimed at providing an overview of the existing assessments of the state of the environment in Pan-European region and the main information sources used for providing a relevant picture to be considered at the 2011 Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan.